Because the Zeo Zords would not be powerful enough to stop Maligore, Zordon gave the Rangers Turbo Zords to go along with their new powers. The five Turbo Zords made it to Muranthias, and were successful in defeating Maligore after combining into the Turbo Megazord. The Turbo Megazord was captured by General Havoc to use for evil. It was taken back by the Rangers, but they lost it in an attack by the fearsome Goldgoyle.

Turbo Megazord Turbo Megazord
First Appearance: Turbo Movie, (TV) "Shift Into Turbo, Part 3"
The Turbo Megazord is the Megazord configuration that forms when the 5 indiviual Turbozords combine together to form it. Desert Thunder forms as the right leg. Dune Star forms as the left leg. Mountain Blaster forms as part of the torso. Wind Chaser forms as the arms/hands and Red Lightning forms as the rest of the torso and the head.

First Appearance: Turbo Movie, (TV) "Shift Into Turbo, Part 3"
The 5 Turbozords - Desert Thunder, Wind Chaser, Mountain Blaster, Dune Star and Red Lightning can combine together to form the Turbo Megazord.

Desert Thunder Turbozord Desert Thunder Turbozord
Driver: Green Turbo Ranger
1st Apearance: Turbo Movide, (TV) "Shift Into Turbo, Part 3"

Wind Chaser Turbozord Wind Chaser Turbozord
Driver: Pink Turbo Ranger
1st Appearance: Turbo Movie, (TV) Shift Into Turbo, Part 3"

Mountain Blaster Turbozord Mountain Blaster Turbozord
Driver: Blue Turbo Ranger
1st appearance: Turbo Movie, (TV) Shift Into Turbo, Part 3"

Dune Star Turbozord Dune Star Turbozord
Driver: Yellow Turbo Ranger
1st appearance: Turbo Movie, (TV) "Shift Into Turbo, Part 3"

Red Lightning Turbozord Red Lightning Turbozord
Driver: Red Turbo Ranger
1st appearance: Turbo Movie, (TV) "Shift Into Turbo, Part 3"

Rescue Turbo Megazord Rescue Turbo Megazord
Red Lightning and Mountain Blaster can combine with the Yellow, Green, and Pink Rescue Zords to form a different type of Megazord.